Saturday, February 14, 2009

3 Bags Packed

I never would have imagined that we would have three bags packed and down stairs plus Bryce's room is complete and ready to be lived in. We enjoyed breakfast today as the three of us marveled at how much our lives were about to change in the next four weeks...

- Flight to the middle of Siberia (and yes it is -40)

- Four weeks in Russia

- A lot of second hand smoke

- A lot of money spent

- A new smile

- New foods

- A little guy that will experience a lot of firsts in the matter of hours and days.

We are so grateful to God at His work in our lives and the blessing that Bryce will be to us as we parent him in the way of the Lord! This is our last weekend together as a family of three and we are really enjoying this special time before Bryce joins us!
This photo is a shot of Bryce's new room...


Billy and Cindy

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